Math is FUN!

Check out my presentations!

Websites for MATH Fun

  • Create your own Penrose Tilings (like the banner!)

  • Cryptograms - break the code!

  • Sudoku and all its variations! (Jigsaw-doku, letters, squiggly, Sudoku-X, Samurai (5 interconnected Sudokus!!!), 16x16... Requires flash, but there are apps for phones!)

  • Tangrams - made for kids, but still fun to play!

  • YouCubed - a nonprofit housed at Stanford to help instill mathematical learning and math enjoyment to all - educational website, but full of fun thought activities.

  • Mathigon - learn about all kinds of fun math in an interactive way!

  • Donald in Mathmagicland - Watch a classic and one of my favorite movies about MATH!

FREE Resources for Advanced Math Content

Course Content

Many of these I've sourced from Math Discord Servers and my own research

A list of lists

If you know of more resources, email me! I'd love to add to this list!

Media Credits

Top Banner: Penrose P2 Tiling, By PrzemekMajewski - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Penrose tiles are an example of aperiodic tilings of the plane (they can fill up space, but not symmetrically like regular bathroom tiles!)